Pokebeach schrieb:- Pokemon EX 2007 Spring Tin Update -
As mentioned in the news story on February 7th, three new EX tins will be released in March (for around $14 each, not $20), featuring Milotic, Camerupt, and Tyranitar on the actual tins. We now know that the tins will come packaged with holo versions of past EX POP cards, including Celebi ex, Ho-Oh ex, and Tyranitar ex. These tins are supposed to also come with one of three Diamond and Pearl Pokemon cards, but they apparently will not be the featured cards within the tins, since as the image shows on the right (click for a larger picture), the holo EXs are in the window of each tin. Hopefully we will find out soon what D/P Pokemon are available in the tins!
Nochmal kurz auf Deutsch:
In den Boxen werden Holo-Versionen der älteren POP-ex beiliegen:
Celebi ex
Ho-oh ex
Despotar ex
mal eine frage, die ich mir jetzt stelle:
Gilt das für Despotar ex als Reprint oder bleibt es unlimeted???